Sunday 22nd September 2024


Marilyn Longstaff

Being Gemini by Marilyn Longstaff

Glorious Vane Women

A double Smokestack book launch from two Vane Women, alongside a reading from Glorious Vane, an anthology celebrating 30 years of publishing by Vane Women Press.

S.J Litherland’s Marginal Future is buffeted by childhood trauma, the collapse of the Durham coalfield community and USSR, and the aftershocks of Brexit and Covid. In Being Gemini Marilyn Longstaff writes about the two sides of everything – ageing, deafness, politics and bereavement – and learning to be neither one thing nor the other.

7.30pm, The Leper Chapel, Magdalen’s Road, £7.50

Jackie Litherland

Marginal Future by S J Litherland